What is RPL and RCC?

As part of competency based training, Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) and Recognition of Current Competency (RCC) is a form of assessment that acknowledges a student's previous skills, knowledge and training regardless of the means by which they have been acquired. It can allow you to fast track through the course if you consider that your previous work experience or other studies cover the competency standards of some or all of the course you are completing.


Photo by Box Hill Institute, CC BY-NC 4.0.

Person grabbing their chest in pain

Applying for RPL

 You should consider applying for RPL/RCC if you have:

  1. relevant formal training conducted by industry or educational institutions
  2. relevant experience gained at the work place
  3. relevant experience gained as a result of community involvement, voluntary work in the captive animal industry.

More information

Visit the Box Hill Institute website that details information about Recognition for previous work or Study.

Last modified: Tuesday, 4 March 2025, 1:41 PM