Pre Training Review - Public Sector
Step 1: Watch the Student Pre-Enrolment Information Video or download the script to read.
Further details on the Student Pre-Enrolment Information are available at and the links are as below:
Reconnect Program information can be found here
Student Life information can be found here
Fee information, concession rates and eligibility to Skills First Funding can be found here
VET Student Loan and FEE-HELP information can be found here
Payment Plan information can be found here
Withdrawal and Refund information can be found here
Step 2: Download the interactive Pre-Training Review (PTR) Form
You will require an Adobe Acrobat/Adobe reader to complete the form
Download the PTR Form and save it onto your system/mobile before filling it out.
The name of the file must include your full name. eg: PTR_John Citizen.pdf
Ensure you have filled in all the required fields with the correct responses and saved it.
Upload the saved PTR Form into the correct section of your application OR email it to
For any assistance, contact us on 1300 269 445.