Our expectations of you
Completion requirements
Library Expectations
When in the library, it is expected that you will:
- Provide your student ID card when borrowing materials, using computers or on request
- Read the signs posted in the Library and comply with all guidelines and policies
- Take advantage of opportunities to learn about Library services and facilities
- Treat all Library users and staff with respect and consideration
- Take care of Library books, materials and equipment and return borrowed items on time
- Comply with copyright legislation
- Participate in surveys to provide feedback on Library services to assist with improvements to the service and facilities that are offered
General Expectations
The Student Code of Conduct applies to all students across the Box Hill Institute and CAE community and aims to ensure the safety, comfort and well- being of everyone at the Institute.
For more information about the Code, please refer to the Box Hill Institute policies and procedures page.
Last modified: Wednesday, 25 January 2023, 11:40 AM