Instructions: Select each tab for more information.

Prayer Rooms

Prayer rooms can be found at all the campuses, these are available to all students, regardless of their religion

  • The prayer room at Elgar is located in B4.217.
  • The prayer room at Nelson is located in B10.G032
  • The prayer room at the Lilydale Lakeside campus is located in L3.B17 
  • A quiet room is available for prayer at CAE, it is located in C1.511
Parenting rooms

If you are a breastfeeding mother or need to express milk during your time on campus, there is a room allocated at Elgar Campus for this purpose. To use this room:

  • Contact Student Life on 9286 9891 (Student Hub at Elgar Campus) to register your name and student ID.
  • A swipe pass will be provided for the room. You will need to allow 24-48 hours for the pass to be activated. (Passes have a programmed end-date)
  • There is a small special purpose fridge clearly labelled in the room for storing expressed milk. This fridge is solely for expressed milk however security of any stored milk is the parents responsibility and any milk stored must be clearly labelled.
  • At the Lilydale campus the parenting room is in LB129, this is also the prayer room and the first aid room.


Last modified: Wednesday, 27 July 2022, 2:38 PM