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Who Does Accessibility Liaison Support?

We provide advice and support to students living with disability or a health condition which impacts on their ability to participate in their studies and achieve their learning goals.

The disability or health condition may be permanent, temporary, episodic or fluctuating and could include but not be limited to:

  • Hearing or vision impairment
  • Medical conditions such as epilepsy, arthritis, multiple sclerosis and chronic pain.
  • Mental health conditions such as anxiety, depression and bipolar disorder
  • Mobility issues such as back injuries, spinal cord injuries and musculoskeletal injuries
  • Neurodiverse conditions such as Autism, ADHD, dyslexia, and auditory processing disorders
  • Injuries that are temporary such as broken or sprained limbs, or recovery from surgery

What Support Does Accessibility Liaison Provide?

We are available by appointment to confidentially discuss your situation at any stage during your studies and can assist with:

Applying for courses such as:

  • filling out forms
  • communication assistance
  • liaising with staff to ensure course information and enrolment venues are accessible

Alternative arrangements in assessment such as:

  • rest breaks or extended reading or writing time in exams
  • modifications to assessment tasks
  • extensions to due dates

Access to technology and other aids such as:

  • software including screen magnification, screen reader and literacy support tools
  • hardware including trackball mouses and large key keyboards
  • equipment including ergonomic chairs, adjustable height tables and angled writing boards

Course materials in alternative formats such as:

  • large print
  • Braille
  • captioning of audio-visual materials

 Access to learning support staff to:

  • take notes and/or assist you to participate in class activities
  • scribe or read for you in exams
  • interpret for you using Auslan (Australian Sign Language)

Information and referral to other internal services such as:

How Do I Arrange Support?

You will need to register with us to negotiate support with your studies.  You can register if you are:

  • currently enrolled as a student at Box Hill Institute;
  • living with disability or a health condition that impacts on your learning; and
  • can provide supporting documentation from a relevant treating medical practitioner, psychologist or other accredited health or educational specialist

While you can register with us at any time during your studies, it is best to do so as soon as possible after you enrol.  This allows for the time necessary to arrange appropriate support.

What Supporting Documentation Do I Need to Provide?

The supporting documentation from your health professional should include the following information:

  • the nature of your disability or health condition
  • the duration of the disability or health condition as permanent, ongoing or temporary
  • details of the impact the disability or health condition is likely to have on your learning
  • recommended reasonable adjustments and other supports to minimise the impact on your study
  • the health professional's title, credentials and stamp
  • be presented on letterhead and be signed and dated

You may already have suitable documentation.  Alternatively you can provide your health professional with these DLS Health Professional Report Guidelines

The documentation you provide will be treated as confidential and will be used by Accessibility Liaison staff to prepare a Student Access Plan with you.


What is a Student Access Plan?

Once you have registered with us, a Accessibility Liaison staff member will meet with you to create your Student Access Plan.

Your Student Access Plan will usually contain the following information:

  • the impact your disability or health condition has on your learning 
  • recommended strategies and reasonable adjustments to teaching and assessment
  • any agreed services to be provided by Accessibility Liaison
  • suggested strategies and resources you can use to support your own learning

You can choose what, if any, information on the nature of your disability or health condition is included in your Student Access Plan.

The strategies and reasonable adjustments in your Student Access Plan aim to reduce the impact of the disability or health condition in a manner which assists you to succeed without compromising the inherent course requirements, academic integrity or relevant legislation.

You will receive a copy of your Student Access Plan.  Accessibility Liaison will, with your permission, email a copy of your Student Access Plan to the Course Co-ordinator responsible for the delivery of the course in which you are enrolled. 

What Do I Need to Know about Disclosure and Confidentiality?

We understand that disclosing your disability or health condition is a very personal decision.

You do not need to disclose information about your disability or health condition to Box Hill Institute unless it is likely to have an effect on:

  • your ability to meet the core requirements of the course
  • your ability to study safely
  • the safety of others

However you will need to disclose your disability or health condition if you think it will:

  • impact on your study experience at Box Hill Institute; and
  • you need to request assistance from Accessibility Liaison in negotiating reasonable adjustments to your study conditions

Anything you discuss with Accessibility Liaison staff is kept confidential and only discussed with other relevant staff with your permission and in accordance with Institute policy and relevant legislation. All Box Hill Institute staff must treat your personal information confidentially and respectfully.

You will be asked to complete a consent form when you register with Accessibility Liaison.  This allows you to tell us who we can share relevant information about your study and support needs while studying at Box Hill Institute.

More information about disclosing your disability or health condition is available here Disclosure Information (Australian Disability Clearinghouse on Education and Training)

Last modified: Monday, 4 December 2023, 8:36 AM