Student Wellbeing FAQs
What hours are you available?
The Student Wellbeing Officers (SWOs) are available 8:30am-4:45pm, Monday-Friday. Please note that some Student Wellbeing Officers work on a part-time basis and are not available every weekday. For further information, please contact Student Life reception on 9286 9891 or You can also book online here.
Do I need an appointment?
No, you don’t need an appointment to meet with a Student Wellbeing Officer. We offer a drop-in service for students so that you can access support straight away or when needed. You are welcome to drop in to our offices for a chat whenever the door is open. If you would prefer to schedule an appointment, you are more than welcome to do so. Please contact the Student Wellbeing Officer directly or call Student Life reception to arrange an appointment time. You can also book online here.
Is there a SWO on every campus?
Currently we have Student Wellbeing Officers at all campuses. All students are welcome to make contact with any SWO at any campus.
What issues can I talk to a SWO about?
You can talk to a SWO about anything at all! If we are able to assist, we will work with you to resolve whatever problems or issues you may be experiencing. If we think that you would benefit from receiving more specialised help, we will talk to you about a referral to another service either within the Student Life team or externally. We are often the first point of contact to access Student Life services. Examples of issues for which students typically seek help from a Student Wellbeing Officer include:
· Stress and anxiety
· Motivation, time management and keeping on track with study
· Communication with teachers/co-ordinators
· Financial or work-related issues
· Special consideration in assessments
What's the difference between a SWO and a Counsellor?
Student Wellbeing Officers offer a broad range of support services for students. We offer short to medium term support and typically assist students with strategies to help them achieve positive outcomes in their chosen course. Unlike the counsellors, the Student Wellbeing Officers do not provide counselling support or treatment for mental health conditions. Many students come and speak to a SWO because they are feeling overwhelmed or simply having a bad day. It’s not unusual for a SWO to see a student only once.
Will my teacher know if I have been to see you?
No. What you talk about with a Student Wellbeing Officer is kept confidential. We will not disclose anything to your teacher or to anyone else unless you give us permission to do so. The only instance in which we are required to break confidentiality is if we believe there is a serious threat to your safety, or that of someone else. If you have any questions or concerns around confidentiality, please discuss these with the Student Wellbeing Officer in your first session.
Are there any forms to fill out?
In the first session you will be asked to complete the standard Student Life Intake Form. The purpose of this form is to collect your contact details to help us to maintain records of students who have accessed our service. The form also confirms that you understand our confidentiality and privacy agreements. If you and the Student Wellbeing Officer decide that it would be helpful to disclose information to others (eg. your teacher, co-ordinator or an external service) we’ll get you to sign a form giving us permission to do this.
I tried to see a SWO but their door was shut or they were already with another student. What should I do?
If you need to speak to someone immediately, call or visit Student Life reception and the person on duty will locate an available Student Life team member to speak with you. Otherwise, send the SWO an email (their contact details will be on their office door) or slip a note under their door with your details and they will contact you to make an appointment.
Do we have to meet face-to-face?
No! Whilst meeting face-to-face is preferred, this may not be practical or convenient for everyone. We therefore are happy to provide students with support via phone, email or video conferencing.
So how do I contact you?
Simply call Student Life reception on 9286 9891 or email Alternatively, you can drop in to one of our offices whenever the door is open. You can also book online here.